In 1984, Jost Krippendorf wrote the book "Holiday Makers: Understanding The Impact Of Leisure And Travel “ in which he criticised both mass and alternative tourism and he urged that tourism should move in other direction so this designed leisure time becomes a way of personal self-actualization. When people master four basic needs according to Maslow's hierarchy (existence, security, pleasure, prestige), during their vacation they strives to master their fifth need - the realization of their own personality (self-actualization). Jost Krippendorf defines it as a way from pleasure in a stomach to pleasure in the brain. He is aware that the number of passive and uninterested tourists is still significantly higher than those who are aware of the problem, but on the other hand, people are more and more willing to have different vacation.
Regardless this pioneer theoretical approach, tourism remained buried in mass and alternative tourism, except the fact that the market ruled by ruthless competition, offers more and more luxurious hotels, more exotic trips, more fun. People are increasingly in a hurry, and roads, as well as the sea and sky, have become too tight.Travelling becomes the imperative of our time, the escape from everyday life, and people are not aware that you cannot escape from yourself. Krippednorf therefore concludes, "Only if we succeed to overcome tourism as a mass phenomenon and develop benchmarks of individualization and humanization in this mass existence, a decisive step will be made." According to him, the possibility of better travelling will first be exploited by demanding minority.
So, demanding minority of people will be the first to try out this new and different understanding of leisure time. These will be the people ready to go on “a journey to themselves”.Everyone must decide for himself on his free time, as well as if he is ready to take this journey.
What should be done?
Firstly, we must be aware of the problem, and this requires personal activity, i.e., it is necessary to make your own decision. Each person must say, “I want to participate. I do not want someone else to create my vacation, I'll do it myself. What is offered as luxurious, popular, successfully advertised, does not necessarily mean that it is best, because I know what I want and what is best for me. I do not want to be passive, I want to be active. I want to explore, I want to daydream. I prefer self-organization than organization. I want something new, and not something that is a "cliché". I do not want a conveyor product, but the product of my own design. I want to learn and satisfy my curiosity. I want to socialize, but I also want to relax, to be alone, and to meditate. I am looking for a game to keep the child in me alive.” I want commit to my children and my family. I want to come more often to a certain vacation spot, where I feel comfortable, where my friends come, where I appreciate the host, where I have friends among the local population.If you want most of the things listed above, then you're the right person to get involved and initiate autopoetic tourism because it is the area of your own freedom where each person is a unit of measurement. It is exclusively individual. It is your own vacation which will not only "recharge your batteries", provide you with a new life force, satisfy your body, but it is also a place of self-actualization where you will strengthen your spirit.